
Empowering Inspectors, Engineers and Students

Welcome to the Resources section of Inspection Mentor!

We have compiled a list of trusted and reputable resources that can enhance your knowledge and support your journey as an inspector, engineer, student, or jobseeker in the engineering field.

In this section, you will find links to a wide range of resources, including: Industry standards, Technical articles, Online courses, Webinars and events, Professional associations and others.

Please note that the resources provided in this section are external links, and Inspection Mentor does not take responsibility for the content or availability of these resources. We have compiled this list to help you access reliable information and expand your knowledge. Be sure to review the terms and conditions of each resource before use.

We are constantly updating our resource list to ensure you have access to the most relevant and useful materials. If you have any suggestions for additional resources or would like to recommend a source, please feel free to contact us.

Start exploring the Resources section today and take advantage of the valuable links and materials available to enhance your inspection knowledge and professional development.

Certified API 510 Pressure Vessel inspectors

Certified API 570 Piping inspectors

Helpmateworld Apps